In many Asian countries, insects are a popular and traditional food source, valued for their high protein, low environmental impact, and unique flavors. Here are some of the most common and favorite edible insects found in different Asian:
- Thailand – Fried grasshoppers, crickets, silkworm pupae, and giant water bugs.
- Cambodia – Stir-fried red tree ants with beef.
- China – Steamed or fried silkworm pupae, scorpions on skewers.
- Vietnam – Coconut worms, often eaten raw or grilled.
- Japan – Soy-glazed grasshoppers (Inago).
- Laos – Crispy bamboo worms and cicadas.
- Indonesia – Sago grubs, eaten raw or grilled.
- Philippines – Tamilok (woodworms), similar to oysters.
- Myanmar – Cricket salad with herbs.
- South Korea – Beondegi (silkworm pupae), a common street snack.
Insects are valued for their protein, sustainability, and unique flavors. Would you try any? 😊